Chorlton Vision

Making Chorlton a better place

Priority 2: Environment

Improving our local environment to make Chorlton a better place to spend time.

– Updated 12 May 2022 – 

We want Chorlton to be recognised as a sustainable community that encourages local people and businesses to adopt low-carbon and low-emission ways of moving around and keeping warm. 
To achieve this, Chorlton will need: 
  • Carbon-neutral new building development and a programme of retro-fit to meet emerging eco-standards.
  • More well-managed green features around the district centre.
  • Continued efforts to rebalance local traffic towards cycling and walking to reduce emissions.

Our Initial Long List of Actions To Deliver Change

  1. Pocket Parks: identify unadopted places for more mini green spaces with seating and greenery
  2. Business Green Benchmarking: secure resource for a student project to measure eco-credentials of traders’ operations and publish scorecard/rating systems based on energy consumption, supply chains, product range and delivery channels.
  3. New Build Standards: request that Manchester City Council require all new commercial developments to adopt the next generation of building standards and aim for net zero immediately.
  4. Retro-fit Grant: explore scope for a small grants programme to incentivise landlords to retrofit properties.
  5. Planter Programme: sponsor streets, or groups of business in a block, to introduce and manage planters along kerb sides to reduce pavement parking and encourage traders to manage plant baskets around the district centre. Also consider workshops to help people make suitable planters.
  6. Local Green Energy: test demand for local solar and heat pump programmes with shared generation and storage facilities between businesses.
  7. Green Roofs And Walls: secure funding to implement and maintain green roofs and walls on bus stops and public buildings.
  8. Air Quality Sensor Network: monitor air quality from traffic and domestic emissions around Chorlton and publish data to help identify places of exceedance and facilitate action on issues such as idling.
  9. Better Cycle Storage: require all businesses and public space to provide secure cycle lockups to encourage more visitors to travel by bike.
  10. Discreet Vehicle Charging Points: require all on-street charging points to avoid taking up vital pavement space and creating new sources of clutter in our streets.
  11. Green Bins: lobby for a new generation of separate litter bins (green, brown and blue) around the streets of Chorlton.
  12. Repair Cafe: encourage community activities to make use of the local Repair Cafe, establish a lending Library of Things and set up Maker Spaces to make better use of tools and equipment.

What do you think? Share your thoughts with us below.