Chorlton Vision

Chorlton District Centre Action Plan 2010-2020


A Manchester City Council (South Manchester SRF) report for the Economy, Employment and Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  “A spatial and action plan to ensure the continued success and future growth of Chorlton’s retail area.” The plan outlines short – to long-term measures, and was subject to public consultation (undertaken by Visiontwentyone) in 2010.


Chorlton will continue to be a successful neighbourhood that is accessible by all and well connected. It will provide an attractive and vibrant district centre with a full range of quality shops and community facilities. A redeveloped core will provide the catalyst for further investment, providing a new destination where people can meet and shop, encouraging visitors to spend more time in the district centre. The distinctive independent retail sector will continue to differentiate Chorlton from other centres in Manchester. Metrolink will provide a step change, creating the conditions for accelerated economic growth …

Key findings

A need to:

  • Provide a further, high-quality range of convenience offers to improve the retail core and improve and develop the comparison non-food retail offer.
  • Support and further develop the mix of independent traders and seeking to encourage more high-quality operators.
  • Improve public services and public service provision.
  • Maximise the benefits of the economic ‘accelerator’: Metrolink.
  • Upgrade the public realm and increase the amount of time visitors spend in the centre.
  • Improve accessibility, connectivity, green infrastructure, public transport and parking.
  • Protect existing employers and encourage the space for SMEs where appropriate.
  • Promote a sustainable place, taking on the principles of the Manchester Climate Change Call to Action.
  • Ensure strong leadership, management and governance, through partnership working.