Chorlton Vision

Our Streets Chorlton


Our Streets Chorlton is a community-led project, created to better understand how to reduce carbon emissions by enabling Chorlton people to reduce local and short car journeys.  A series of engagement events with residents, whole-streets and local schools took place, along with regular community forum meetings, research projects and data chats. An online consultation took place in 2021. 

Key findings

The survey focused on residents’ feelings towards Chorlton as a place. Respondents had free-rein to respond to open questions: “What do you like about Chorlton”; “What isn’t great about Chorlton”; and  “What would like to see improved”.

What people liked about Chorlton:
  • Green spaces e.g. parks and leafy streets
  • Independent shops, restaurants and bars
  • Wild green and blue spaces e.g. meadows and the Mersey
  • Transportation links and newly developed cycle lanes – access to town
  • Friendly people and strong sense of community
  • A mix of ages, cultures and backgrounds of local people
  • Art spaces and culture
  • General vibe of Chorlton
  • Central and notable community spaces such as the Library and Unicorn
What they said wasn’t so great:
  • The volume of cars
  • Pavement parking – inaccessible to persons with disabilities and families
  • Speeding cars
  • A lack of leisure centres/facilities
What they said they’d like to see improved:
  • Pedestrianised areas of Chorlton to improve the look and safety of the area
  • More places to sit and socialise with friends
  • More affordable housing opportunities for people of all ages
  • More public spaces inside and out
  • Urban street design needs to be tailored to people, rather than cars