Chorlton Vision

Prioritisation Report, August 2022.


Overall Aims

Priority Actions


Potl. Funding Source

Quick/ Easy Win

(Yes, Partly, No)

Strengthening our IDENTITY so people know what Chorlton offers.

  • Develop a clear brand that can be used by businesses, local groups and the City Council to develop a stronger shared identity within and beyond Chorlton.
  • Promote Chorlton’s values and offer to prospective visitors, potential investors and future residents.

Chorlton Brand:  secure resource to create a fresh brand identity for Chorlton that reflects the better place we want to create. The brand should be used by businesses, groups and the city to amplify a clearer identity to residents and visitors and promote our offer. The brand identity should include a clear set of standards for how it should be used and involve a set of minimum standards of operation for those organisations that use it to ensure its integrity and alignment with our shared Character Features.

Chorlton Vision Board

Manchester City Council, landowners and local traders


Influencing PROPERTYinvestment to ensure it meets the needs of local residents, workers, businesses and visitors.

  • A bigger and earlier local say in the investment, planning and development process to ensure balanced development that meets local needs and complements the character of the area
  • Greater local ownership of sites, premises and businesses managed for the wider benefit of the local community.
  • Extend the work done by local businesses to help make Chorlton a better place.

Local Planning Voice: require all significant commercial planning applicants to have engaged the Chorlton Vision Board in meaningful dialogue on plan options and to demonstrate their contribution to the Vision as a requirement of planning consent.

Manchester City Council



Neighbourhood Planning: explore appetite for a formal Neighbourhood Plan with Manchester City Council. This would aim to embed the principles of the Vision in the planning process and deliver sustainable, balanced development and growth in Chorlton.

Manchester City Council



Open for Business: work with groups of local businesses to enhance the attractiveness, consistency and quality of their frontages, shutters and signage to create a stronger sense of pride and identity across the district centre.

Chorlton Traders

Traders matching NIF


Secure the Picture House: this is a vital asset at the heart of the district centre with huge potential to unlock additional footfall, create new jobs and sustain more small, independent businesses.

Chorlton CLT

CLT  Shares, Developers, & COF


A New Market Place: identify an appropriate home for a flourishing and regular street market (ideally outside Picture House).

Chorlton CLT



Meanwhile-use: work with Manchester City Council and landlords to develop an approach to allow quick uptake pop-ups to make use of properties that are due to become, or already are vacant.




Chorlton Community Co-operative Support steps to establish a local body to help promote new local ownership of assets and businesses which can help retain wealth locally, create local jobs and serve local residents.

Chorlton Community Co-op 

CLT shares, /Developers


Upgrading our PUBLIC REALMto  enhance pride in our district centre and

Improving the quality of our local ENVIRONMENT to make Chorlton a better place in which to spend time.

  • Create better open, safe spaces where  people can meet, spend time and play.
  • Brighten up our streets to create more local pride and joy.

Place Management Commitment: establish and promote a minimum guarantee for street cleaning, unblocking drains, tackling graffiti and addressing traffic issues such as problem parking. This should be accompanied by accessible reporting mechanisms where problems emerge, that allow councillors and officers to secure remedial action.

Manchester City Council



Community Visual Arts: consult on a developing a Chorlton-wide project for street art (walls and pavements), signage/trails and sculptures to celebrate creativity and brighten up the area.

Chorlton Voice

Sponsorship and grants


Seating Upgrade: ensure all the main pedestrian routes are peppered with regular seating to allow people to stop, rest and meet.

Manchester City Council

NIF, sponsorship


Planter Programme: sponsor streets, or groups of business in a block, to introduce and manage planters along kerb sides to reduce pavement parking and encourage traders to manage plant baskets around the district centre. Also consider workshops to help people make suitable planters with suitable plants.

Manchester City Council

NIF, sponsorship


Bin Charter: ask all traders to commit to ensuring all commercial waste bins are stored away from view and shop front litter is tackled quickly.

Chorlton Traders



Leave As Found Charter: require utility companies to restore pavement and roads to their previous state following street works.

Manchester City Council



Enhancing MOVEMENT to make it easier for more people to get around Chorlton safely and quickly.

  • Rebalance local traffic towards walking and cycling and reduce traffic congestion in the centre of Chorlton.
  • More firmly encourage positive behaviours that create a safer and more welcoming environment for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Explore creative solutions to parking problems.

Twenty is Plenty: introduce a default 20mph speed limit on all Chorlton roads

Manchester City Council

Manchester City Council/TFGM


Tackle Pavement Parking and Idling: provide local communities with tools to encourage responsible parking that helps pedestrians and buggy/wheelchair-bound travellers and reduces air quality.


Manchester City Council/TFGM


School Streets: support creative solutions to reduce school trips by car, such as walking buses and lift shares

Manchester City Council

Manchester City Council/TFGM
